Feed Additives

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  • Product Name:Bambermycin Premix
  • Reagent Type:
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Product Introduction

 【Veterinary drug name】Bambermycin Premix

Key componentBambermycin

Molecular formula and weightC69H107N4O35P   1582

CharacterSandy beige to yellowish-brown powder, with special foul-smelling as well as good fluidity.

Pharmacological actionBambermycin belongs to antibacterial agents. It is highly effective to gram-positive bacterium, and also effective to some gram-negative bacterium. Its main principle is to disturb bacteria cell wall synthesis. And it is barely absorbed for oral administration, nor  to be metabolized and all will be be excreted to the outside of the body in prototype. When used as feed additives, it could promote growth and enhance feed return.

Indicationantibiotics. Growth promoters for livestock and poultry.


1. Remarkable effect

Bambermycin has obvious growth promotion function to animals, and it can effectively increase animal production performance, at the same time, enhance animal body disease-resistance ability and anti-stress capability. No drug resistance, or cross resistance occurs during long term feeding, and it can effectively eliminate other antibiotics drug resistance caused and delivered by R- factor, thus long term usage is also functional.

2. High safety

Bambermycin has high molecular weight, and hard to generate cross resistance, not easy to be absorbed in alimentary canal, and it will be excreted after function, and no residue in animal tissue and its product; and it will be swiftly degraded in soil, while not absorbed by plant. And meet with environmental standards.

Various animals have good tolerance towards Bambermycin. On basis of a experiment of long term service of 10~20 times recommended dosage, no adverse drug reaction were founded. And Bambermycin have broad security range, and it has no incompatibility with other national permitted growth promoters, anticoccidial drug, microelement, therapeutic and feed additives.

3. Wide application range

Bambermycin, as new medicated premix, is widely used and adopted by many countries in the globe, and it was added in various feed, and widely applied to livestock, swine, cattle, rabbit and aquatic livestock of different growth stages.

4. Stable performance

Bambermycin premix is not only stable itself, but also very stable during various feed processing and long term storage, which will not be influenced by high temperature, high pressure, and puffing granulation, etc.

Usage and dosageCalculate based on Bambermycin. Mixed feed: Every 1000kg feed, 5g for finishing pigs, 20~25g for piglet, 5g for broiler, 30~50mg/each/day for beef cattle. 

NoticeUnfit for adult animal and poultry.

Specification4%,  8%,  12%.


Withdrawal time0 day.

StorageKeep shading and airtight in a dry place.

Validity2 years.