
ZS-34 证书(安全生产标准化三级企业).jpg                

zs2019-2 两化融合管理体系评定证书.png                



Certificate (safety production standardization level 3 enterprise)Evaluation certificate of integration management systemEnergy management systemCertificate of energy management system
2019年胜利生物新版GMP认书.jpg            ISO9001中文版_00.png
ISO14001中文版_00.png            OHSAS18001中文版_00.png
New GMP certification of Shengli biology in 2019ISO9001 Chinese versionISO14001 Chinese versionOHSAS18001 Chinese version
2018-8 2017年高新技术企业证书.png            2019年胜利生物新版兽药生产许可证.jpg            zs-16兽药经营许可证 2018兽药经营证字150812001号.jpg            ZS-35 胜利生物通过禁化武组织现场视察证书.jpg            
2017 high tech enterprise certificateNew veterinary drug production license of Shengli biology in 20192018 veterinary medicine business license No. 150812001Shengli biology passes the site inspection certificate of OPCW

ZS-14 2019中国品牌影响力100强.jpg                

ZS-14 张正海.jpg                

zs-3 2018年度安全先进单位.jpg                

ZS-21 高新区先进基层党组织.png                

Top 100 brands in 2019China brand influence person of the year in 2019 - Zhang ZhenghaiAdvanced unit of safety in 2018

Advanced grassroots party organizations in high tech Zone




zs-1 胜利生物双重体系建设.jpg                


Shengli biology advanced grass roots party organization

New and old energy conversion advanced unitDouble system construction of Shengli biologyAAA enterprise
zs-16 2018年度突出贡献奖.png            zs-17 2018年度廖河产业领军人才.png            ZS-18-胜利生物.png            ZS-22 国资委发先进基层党组织.png
Outstanding contribution award 2018Leading talents of Liaohe industry in 2018Advanced unit of free blood donation in Shandong ProvinceSASAC develops advanced grassroots party organizations
ZS-23 胜利物党委先进基层党组织.png            ZS-26高新区四有六好基层党建示范点.jpg            ZS-27 青年文明号奖牌..jpg
ZS-28 中央企业先进集体.jpg
Shengliwu Party committee advanced grass roots party organizationFour haves and six good grassroots party construction demonstration points in high tech ZoneYouth civilization MedalAdvanced collective of central enterprises
ZS-29 胜利生物先进基层党组织(中牧股份).jpg            ZS-31 国家绿色工厂.jpg
ZS-4 泰山产业领军人才(梁景乐).jpg            
Shengli biology advanced grass roots Party Organization (Zhongmu)National green factoryTaishan industry leader (Liang jingle)